Compliance with FMCSA Requirements

The FMCSA mandates that carriers maintain up-to-date Driver Qualification Files. Requirements include previous employment history, clearinghouse drug testing, driving certification, and more. DQ Vault helps you meet all these requirements easily.

Penalties: Know the Cost of Non-Compliance

DQvault: Your Solution for Compliance

Welcome to the world of motor carrier operations, where compliance isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the law. Handling Driver Qualification (DQ) files can be complex, time-consuming, and tedious. That’s where DQvault comes in. DQvault transforms how you manage these critical records, ensuring you stay within legal requirements without breaking the bank.

Why Choose DQvault?

Government Insists on Compliance

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) enforces strict penalties for non-compliance. Violations can lead to penalties up to $34,712 for unlicensed operation. The government calculates fines based on your history, the severity of the violation, and your gross revenue. While penalties can be adjusted, why risk it when DQvault offers a cost-effective solution?


Manual record-keeping is prone to error and time-consuming. DQvault offers a digital, streamlined solution that’s perfect for small and mid-sized motor carrier operations, helping you meet compliance requirements without overspending.